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Tuesday, December 22, 2009;2:12 AM Y
Something very scary happened to me today..

In the evening, met up with my girl friends to a Korean restaurant for dinner. We book a private room so that we can enjoy and fun crazily.. The service was good and the food was okay.. Tried on the Korean rice cake, ginseng chicken soup, BBQ chicken and pork and wrap it with veg, Cong you bing and six side dishes. They also provided two tea for us.. Firstly was the wheat tea followed by the Ginger tea which was provided at the end of the meal. But I din quite like the taste of it. After that we played games and exchange Christmas present. It was fun.. We left the restaurant around 8.30.. My friends went on to central while I left for home first.

The scary thing happened while I was on board of the mrt. I was sitting and playing with my phone. At outram park station a guy board the train and was sitting at the opposite side and his weird action caught my attention.. He was talking to thin air and pointing fingers at others and laughing.. I think he was those that has some mental disorder. I was thinking better not to look at him and just carry on playing with my phone. Then, he started walking toward me and he came nearer and nearer.. I was frightened.. I din know wat to do.. I thought he will go back to his after awhile.. But then he did not.. Instead he lowered his head toward me and look at me straight in the eyes, giving me those weird smile and pointing his fingers at me. His face was just directly infront of me and was very very very near.. I was afraid that he will touch me so I used my bag to block him. He moved back a little and went back to his seat.. I was so scared. I din know eat to there.. There's still quite a long time before the next station.. I was praying hard to myself, hoping that he wun come toward me again... However, he suddenyl stood up and walk towards me again and repeated his action but putting his face in front of me. I hold my bag infront of me wanted to block him and ask him to go away but he did not. He even came nearer. I shifted to the side as there was an Indian guy who was talking on the phone and I was hoping he could help me.. I think he sense that I was frightened by that weird guy so he hang up his phone and he put his hands infront of me, trying to ask the guy not to come any nearer. Another guy also tried to helped me by distracting him and giving him a bookmark of his as he was reading a book. The weird guy replied saying that he din wan it and throw it back to the person. The helpful guy replied to him by asking him to get out of the train snd not to disturb me. The weird guy then walk very fast out ofvtge train and went up the escalator.. Even though the weird guy has walked away from me.. I still hold on right to my bag as I haven't recovered from my shock. I alighted at the station as the weird guy but I only walk out of the train after I see that he has walked away far enough. The Indian guy who helped me told nme not to be afraid and said that the guy was crazy. I give him a nod and say thank u to him.. Even though the weird guy has awalked away, I was still feeling very afraid.. I called my lao gong immediately, and was crying to him, asking him to come find me asap.. I sat on the bench and cried and waited for him to come protect him.. I was so afraid that I keep on looking around, feeling that the guy will come back again.

Till now the weird guy face is still very clear in my mind... Especially his weird smile and eyes.. Everytime I think of it, the frightening feeling will come back again. How I wish I could erase that guy face from my brain. But I think I really got a scare from him, as the moment I think of the event that happened just now, I will picture that the guy was standing right infront with his whole face infront of me again... It's so scary.. I think I will be having phobia taking public transport liao.. Hoe i could forget about this frightening incident asap.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009;11:19 PM Y
I'm feeling very tired now.. Have been very busy with school stuff.. Today just finished an interview CA.. Hope I will be able to get good grades for it.. Now I'm left with Iap project and mid semester test.. Have been having less than 5 hours of sleep everday since last week.. My panda eyes are so deep.. But I dunno how to cure it.. I need alot of rest...

By the way, I just bought my iPhone last sunday.. And guess what.. Lao gong mum strike 4d because of the iPhone... I guess that iPhone did bring some good luck.. Tried on some of the free application and the games are quite fun.. In fact, lao gong and I had a great fun challenging one another to see who has the highest score... I'm still trying to figure out what other useful application is inside the iPhone... Actually I'm quite scared that I will cause scratches to it or drop in on the floor.. So I have been taking extra care with it.. I din even dare to take it out of the box to use until lao gong bought a protective casing and screen protector for me.. Hehe.. So silly of me right? But I just want to take very good care of it.. Love it alot.. Thanks to lao gong and lao gong parents for their help.. Can see that lao gong love the iPhone alot as well... Will think of ways to buy him an iPhone asap.. Bur depends on when will m1 start selling iPhone..

Shall stop here.. Going to sleep ler.. Nite nite

Wednesday, November 11, 2009;11:09 PM Y
Feeling very stress and sad.

Stress as the school schedule is very tight. Got to do projects and their deadline is one after another. Got to do a portfolio and prepare for interview next week. Worst is i couldn't make it for the lesson today so i'm not sure what to prepare for the interview and how the potfolio is to be prepared. Hai..

Sad as i thought he would support me. I already tried my very best but still cannot make it. I know i'm now as smart as all of you in that area. All of you passed in your 1st attempt but i failed on my second attempt as well. I know i spent alot of money on it. I'm also disappointed in myself for failing it. And what i need most is your support and encouragement. But what you said was "that time i told you to pick the other one already but u wanted to choose this". I thought you will say some encouragement words to me such as "its ok", "you can make it the next time" or "just try again". But things turn out the other way round. You were very disappointed in me and angry with me for failing it. You make me feel that i had cause you to lose your face and i'm stupid for making the wrong choice in the 1st place and making those stupid mistake in my test. But I have no experience in this area at all. I thought it will be cheaper. I din know that was a wrong choice. I din know if i should continue with it and so i ask u for suggestion. But what u say was "i dunno, your settle yourself". Aren't we suppose to share troubles together? But i feel that i'm always facing my problem alone. I needed help and care from u but i couldn't feel it at all.. I'm so sad. You dun even know how i feel.. Is that how the way things should be???? That day i just told you i needed your support and what u said was you will always support me. but i dun think things happen as what u said.

I need help from someone(hopefully from you)... But i din dare to expect much... I'm feeling terrible now.

Friday, November 6, 2009;7:54 PM Y
Hehe.... Trying out laogong I pod touch now to login to blog..... Hehe... Very fun and easy to use... Like the games a lot too... Going packet home Laogong mum home cook soup... Later at night got soup to drink again Liao... Yummy! Somehow the soup will taste even more sweet when you drink it after dinner... Hehe... At first when I tell laogong he dun believe me until that day he tried out himself... He said the soup really taste even more sweet... Hmmm... Too bad I dunno how to cook soup... Starting to worry how I am going to cook for laogong in the future... I dunno how to cook at all... Hai... That's all for now... Tata

Tuesday, October 13, 2009;12:16 AM Y

hmmm.. school starting soon. so sian.. hai.. going to be busy wih projects and test again. hmm.. hope the modules aren't too difficult. another language communication coming. so sian.. hate engilsh. caused my score is always very poor on that. time table is out. thursday is a long day. morning till evening hai.. wish me good luck to the new sem..

facing money shortage. got to work and study at the same time for this sem. hai..

my future is blurr. not sure if i want to continue my studies or join the workforce. had no idea what uni life would be liked and how is their study system. afraid that i wun be able to cope with it and my uni results would be poor. afraid about the money needed to study uni. afraid my results will be too low to enter uni that i want. tired of studying ler. oh my god. really no idea or clue. if i were to join the workforce, can earn more money. hmmm.. someone give me info on uni to help me make a decision please...

would like to thank lao gong for bringing me out to catch bear bear again (cause i'm in a low mood and he wanted to cheer me up). hehe.. his treat.. sorry for spending so much money during the holidays. will start to save and control myself ler.. sorry. but i enjoy myself... love u

Thursday, September 10, 2009;12:37 PM Y
i'm back.. sorry for not blogging for so long.. been busy

Firstly, exam over ler, having my holidays now. I guess i din do quite well for my test. Shall have to wait for the results to be out. :(

Secondly, i want to look for a parttime job for my holiday.anybody got lobang to recommend?.. hmmm... No money, no shopping, no fun... :(

Thirdly, i'm getting more and more anxious as the date is coming near. hope i wun dissapoint anyone.

Forthly, lao gong parents just came back from a holiday trip and bought me lots of clothing, accessories and shoe. So nice of them. hehe.. They also bought some local delights back. Lao gong is very unlucky. He didn't get any present. Actually his mum bought him 3 shirts, one of it is a couple shirt. But he wasn't able to fit in.. When he wear it, it looks tight fit on him.. its so funny.. hehe.. in the end got to give ah hock all the clothings and lao gong got none. and my couple shirt gone ler. haiz..

So bored at home.. later still need go for lesson.. hai.. lao gong just came back from night duty not long.. he is sleeping now.. hmmm.. hope he faster wake up.. i very hungry... i want mum mum..

Tuesday, August 4, 2009;9:57 PM Y
TOday 4 Aug 2009, we celebrated our 6 years anniversary... Bought lao gong a pair of adidas shoes as present and laogong bought me a new pendant to replace the old one.. hehe.. look so nice.. behind still got engrave words.

hmmm.. but singapore so small.. we din know to go where to celebrate our anniversary. In the end, we went bugis again to catch bears. We were enjoying and having fun at first. But hai.. i make him angry again ler.. So we went eat mac and went home ler.

hmm.. didn't get to celebrate much. Should be a happy occassion but turn out to be the opposite. This year anniversary is a sad one.. But i'm to blame.. i guess.. one year one time and it just past by like that...Quite sad to have an ending like that. But this is just reality. You wun know what will happen the next minute. Didn't even have the chance to take photos. I guess my mood will be down for these few days. Feel like _ _ _ _ _ _.. Few more hours and it would be 5 Aug. That will be the end of Aug 4. My anniversary is over.......... How i wish this isn't true and its all just a dream.. But its not within my control...

Anyway, still want to wish lao gong a happy anniversary. Thank you for bearing with my temper all these years. Sorry everytime make u angry...

Friday, July 10, 2009;12:23 AM Y
July 8

After school when to bugis to meet up with lao gong and my agent. After everything settled, lao gong treat me to a sushi lunch.. Yummy.. Having tried so many outlets, i would still say that the outlet in bugis is the best.. Next, took a walk around bugis street and bought a dress.. Lao gong was the one who saw the dress while we walked past it. So surprised that he was able to spot it when it was at a corner of a wall which is quite far in. Even i didn't spot it.. tried a few colours and laogong finally reach a decision to buy the black cum white.

Next we went to the new shopping centre beside the street... Lao gong said he wanted to bring me go catch bear.. hehe.. yipee.. so good.. We walk one round to view the "market" first.. suddenly lao gong called my name and he pointed one of the machine to me. We were so lucky.. the bear was lying in the hole but nobody notice it and nobody took it.. hehe.. i rush to it and take it out.. so lucky.. lao gong's eyes really very sharp.. We were laughing non-stop.. Some of the passer-by saw it and was smiling too. i think they were thinking that me and lao gong was so lucky to notice it.. Since my luck was so good, we immediately change our notes into coins and start off our catching game. In total, we caught 2 med bears and 2 small bears.. First time caught so much.. So happy and fun..

After the bear time was over, we went shopping again and i bought 2 dresses. One was chosen by me the other was chosen by lao gong.. He spot the dress while we were on the escalator up to the arcade. Hehe.. (Showing his good eye sight power again).. Lao gong was the one who pay for the dress.. Feel so heart pain as sushi was his treat too.. I promised him that i will give him a gift he wanted when i get my money back and i will definitely keep my promise.

To summarize, i enjoyed lao gong pei me shopping. Can help me scan around with his super eyes for nice clothes and help me choose which design or colour is nicer. Love him lots..

Thank you for your treat lao gong.. enjoyed myself alot.. Muackzz..

Saturday, July 4, 2009;12:19 AM Y
long time no update ler. busy with my CA.. just finshed my CA today... hmm.. so tired.. having 2 to 4 hours sleep everyday.. hmmm..

what i did for laogong during his birthday celebration:
1. Bake a birthday cake for him
2. Bought a reel for him
3. Just bought samsumg jet for him as another birthday present
4. Bring him go eat aston

Actually i planned alot of other activites. But as lao gong got called back on both of his leave. Hence my planning is all destroyed.. hai.. so sad.. couldn't give lao gong a nice bithday celebration this year. That's all about the celebration for his birthday.

Just finished up loading photos into friendster.. hmmm... dun feel like sleeping yet.. cause finally my mind is free of the word "test"... i wan relax and use my lappy.. hehe..

will update again soon.. i hope.. :)

Thursday, June 4, 2009;8:50 PM Y
finally i can relax.. finallly the presentation is over.. no need to worry about school work until school holiday is over.. so so tired.. i got alot of things wish i want to do..

i want go shopping, buy clothes, shoes, contact lens, rebond hair..
i want to go out play.. watch movies, fishing, prawning.. i want relax relax relax and have fun fun fun... hehe.. and of course, spend more time with lao gong.. hehe...

Read This!

This is HuiHui's blog.
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About Me

soonkeong's wifey since 2003
love my lao gong so so much.. hehe
Poly course: Accounts


have a happy family
to be happy all the time
open my own chalet(hopefull for 21st birthday)
get married before 25
live together with lao gong
go on the flyer with lao gong
watch fireworks with lao gong
go overseas for holiday with lao gong
a romantic and memorable propose and wedding
save lots of money for my wedding and flat(processing)
to wake up everyday with my lao gong beside me and have our breakfast

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